Zmicier Lukashuk

File photo. Source: Fotolia
File photo. Source: Fotolia
A Belarus citizen was detained when passing documents to the Ukrainian; he is accused of state treason, KGB reveals.
German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel in Minsk on 17 November 2017. Photo: Zmicier Lukashuk (Euroradio).
German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel in Minsk on 17 November 2017. Photo: Zmicier Lukashuk (Euroradio).
Belarus and German foreign ministers held talks on bilateral cooperation and further dialogue with EU in Minsk.
Transport and Communications Minister Anatol Sivak. Photo: Zmicier Lukashuk
Transport and Communications Minister Anatol Sivak. Photo: Zmicier Lukashuk
Euroradio asks Belarus' transport minister when passengers will have to pay full cost of rides on public transport.
Photo by Zmicier Lukashuk, Euroradio
Photo by Zmicier Lukashuk, Euroradio
Visas were issued in Minsk only to Belarus citizens older than 70 years (over 50 years old as of 1 November 2017).
Belarus MPs approve amendments in the Law on Mass Rallies in the first reading, Euroradio parliamentary correspondent reports.
Photo: TASS
Photo: TASS
The revised decree draft proposes to charge 'unemployed people with a source of income' a full cost of utilities bills.
The Russian ambassador in Minsk comments on reports that Russian troops ‘practiced to occupy Belarus during the West-2017 drills.
Mikalai Statkevich. Photo:
Mikalai Statkevich. Photo:
He will be arrested again on September 7, the politician believes.
Tatstsyana Karatkevich. Photo: Euroradio
Tatstsyana Karatkevich. Photo: Euroradio
Lukashenka divided schoolchildren into ‘children from the fifth column’ and ‘those of ordinary Belarusians loving their country.'