
The Kupala memorial complex "Vyazynka" organized this action together with the Students' Ethnographical Association.

For this, the musicians will change the name, gathered a blues big-band, and sent the accordion and the ukulele to the background.

The band lost an opportunity to go on promo tour to Chisinau. At the same time, producers from Greece has been invited to work on the musicians' image and song.

The frontman of the "Ocean of Elza" visited Minsk with his second solo project "Brussels".

The new exhibition in the gallery “Y” may turn you into a philosopher. However, you will have to spend at least an hour there “to get tuned”.

The scandalous poet turned 50 on March 8.

There are no images of its initial look anymore.

They are also going to present a “topical” film with the motto “Who manipulates whom or the way we kick each other’s wheels”.

More than 400 Belarusians came to see the concerts by trains, cars and 6 buses.