
Euroradio asked several questions to the author of the play "Time of Women" on the occasion of the play's premiere in Warsaw.

The sitting audience of the concert hall "Minsk" helped the Polish guests and the hosts - the ethno-trio "Troitsa" - to get into trance.

Another festival of ancient culture took place in the city on Dzvina.

Even a "blacklisted" band performed at "Rock za Babrou" festival. Please see Euroradio's photo report.

The repaired Hlybokaye Lenin will be accompanied by famous local inhabitants but employees of the District Executive Committee … cannot think of their names!

The Minister of Culture has answered the questions of Brest State University students about “Eurovision” and the Belarusian language.

The second semifinal of the international song contest “Eurovision-2012” took place in the capital of Azerbaijan on Thursday.

Andrew Dickson's review.

Euroradio's correspondent put on a safety helmet for the tour around the construction site, got down to the basements and up to the roof by an access ladder.