Sanctions against Belarus
Stability in the Belarusian economy means it is regularly bad / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Although the economy is falling, Belarusians feel better off
Belarus trades almost no technological goods with Europe but supplies a lot for construction/collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Belstat hid the data, but we learned what exactly Belarus sells to Europe
"DO NOT sponsor murder" banner /
These are refrigerators, stoves, cosmetics, and more.
Uladzimir Makei / Euroradio
This was due to a reduction in supplies of oil and petroleum products, as well as potash and nitrogen fertilizers.
Western countries are beginning to rethink sanctions/collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Banning the sale of goods to Belarus will hit the regime harder than the lack of sales in the West.
MTZ's uncovered loss by April 1 was 22.8 million rubles /
The strategy of the authorities for troubled enterprises covers short term only.
Belarusian state TV channel ONT showed "Belarusian developments" in fact made by Texas Instruments/screenshot of video
Lukashenka is eager to develop microelectronics. Belarus is simply not ready.
The U.S. Open will be held from August 29 to September 11 /
This decision was made by the United States Tennis Association.
Arrested freight car /
Cars with goods were on Ukrainian territory and "were used in violation of customs laws of Ukraine".