Expert: Adults often call the children's hotline

120105 PadrezS.mp3

Euroradio: Previously, it was only possible to dial the hotline number for children 8-801-100-16-11 from a stationary phone. How often do children use it?

Vera Padrez: 
They call quite often. We received about 370 phone calls since the time our line was launched on July 1, 2011. The total time is 1 848 minutes. We get 4-5 calls each day.

Euroradio: With which problems do children call you the most often?

Vera Padrez: 
Psychological pressure is the most frequent reason for calling. Calls like this make 80% of all calls. The children also tell about the situations that make them worry, like problems at school, or problems with their parents. Sometimes they come across difficult life situations which they do not know how to cope with.


Euroradio: How old are these children?

Vera Padrez:
 Teenagers call the most often, sometimes smaller children do. And, however weird it may seem, adults who care also call - teachers, neighbours, parents who suspect that something bad is happening to a child. They call the line and ask for help as they are worried.

Euroradio: Do you get calls about sexual harassment?


Vera Padrez: Fortunately, not often, about 3-4 calls for the whole time. More often it is the psychological pressure.

Euroradio: And what this psychological pressure is about?

Vera Padrez: 
Treats, insults, humiliation of personal dignity, ignoring their needs.

Euroradio: Don't the children try to put pressure on their parents with the help of the hotline?


Vera Padrez: We don't have any information about such cases, I hope there is nothing of the kind and it won't happen in the future. The kids call to share their feelings with someone. Also, they often ask for advice.

Euroradio: What do you do after you've had a phone call?

Vera Padrez: 
Our line works in two directions. The first one is direct psychological consultations, operative help on the phone, when a person needs psychological support. The second direction of our work is forwarding. Our consultants contact the necessary organizations themselves, or forward the caller there - provide them with the necessary contacts. We have created a special resource directory with telephone numbers and addresses of all organizations and state institutions which can help the children of Belarus.