
The attackers have destroyed their tent, tore off the flags and turned over their fire barrel.
They have spent another night in the building site.
The 80th anniversary of Stalin’s terror peak will be marked this year.
The traditional action in Kurapaty, authorized by the authorities, was organized by the opposition Christian Conservative Party.
The demonstration organized by the Popular Front Christian Conservative Party will take place on October 30.
Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski begins his two-day working visit to Belarus.

The organizer for Dzyady-2014 has explained why few people attend allowed actions in Belarus and whether Belarusians are capable of being active.

Civil activists, politicians and other interested people have commemorated victims of political repressions.

Annual event is dedicated to the Day of ancestors' memory. Rally will be held in Kurapaty, at the site of mass executions of Belarusians by Soviets