Lyapises’ Warsaw concert not forbidden - but no blare of trumpets

The only European concert promoting the album “Funny pictures” will take place in the “Stodoła” club at 8 p.m. today. 350 tickets have been sold so far. But there’s still time! The musicians are unpacking suitcases and getting ready for a sound check.

The band members were checking in at the hotel when they noticed that they had left their sound producer at the railway terminal.

"It’s okay. At least he has a phone now. We left him in the open country in Lvov once. We drove rather far and understood that somebody was missing”, - said the musicians. 

By the way, the winners of our contest “Photo toad the Lyapises” Syarhei and Alyaksei Illins were in the same carriage – #5.

Euroradio’s report about the concert in Warsaw coming soon!

Photo by: Alex Peralyhіn