Will you be the single one?

Volha Karach from Our House announced that she was going to run for President first. She will do it if “the people want it”. Anatol Lyabedzka has not made his decision yet.

The primaries are my top priority now. If all important Belarusian politicians take part in them, I will go for it too.”

Nevertheless, Anatol Lyabedzka has his own ambitions. If everything goes well, he may compete with Lukashenka in the primaries. The UCP leader has never tried running for President in 20 years of his opposition work. He was close to it in 2005 but Milinkevich was chosen to be the single candidate.

Syarhei Kalyakin is also ready to take part in the election. However, he is hoping that his party will decide it. He did not mention any hope to win either. He only spoke about “the necessity to involve people into choosing an alternative.”

“The party should approve it. That’s why I am not ready to give the answer now. If the party wants me to run for President, I will be ready to take part in the experiment. I need to give the answer to myself – is it possible in Belarus, can you involve people into looking for an alternative to Lukashenka?”

BPF leader Alyaksei Yanukevich said that he was ready to take part in the election and become the single candidate.

“The answer is simple – I am ready to run for President and become the single candidate. However, choosing one candidate is only possible when different political forces can reach an agreement.”

The single candidate will be needed at the election-2015, Yanukevich thinks. That is why he and his party will insist on choosing one.

Yanukevich’s opponent, Vital Rymasheuski from the BCD, is ready to be the single candidate and the BCD candidate. BCD has been getting stronger recently, he said.

“The Belarusian Christian Democracy has confirmed that the party can choose a candidate for the presidential election. The presidential campaign may be a real success for us. The BCD has been getting stronger recently.”

Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu will remain the most mysterious presidential candidate in 2015. He will run for President, “if necessary”, he said. However, the leader of Tell the Truth did not say who may need it.
