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Russian Military / t.me/Ministerstvo_oborony
Russian Military / t.me/Ministerstvo_oborony
We asked employees of Belarusian companies whether they plan to dress the Russian military.
The forecasts of Russian propagandists are less accurate than horoscopes / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
The forecasts of Russian propagandists are less accurate than horoscopes / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
On February 24, they reported that Kyiv had almost fallen. Similarly wrong predictions followed in abundance.
The mass grave in Bucha / Euroradio
The mass grave in Bucha / Euroradio
Russia is trying to "cover its tracks" and prove that its troops did not carry out the massacre in Bucha.
Gas mask is an important item during the war / pixabay
Gas mask is an important item during the war / pixabay
How many Belarusians voted for Lukashenka and how many chose Tsikhanouskaya? / Reuters​
How many Belarusians voted for Lukashenka and how many chose Tsikhanouskaya? / Reuters​
Even 14 months after the election, Lukashenka speaks out about his assessment of the results.
Port in Klaipeda / delfi​
Port in Klaipeda / delfi​
There is still no alternative to Baltic ports for fertilizers.
Не только БЧБ (бело-красно-белый флаг) имеет темные пятна в истории
During the occupation, national flags were used not only in Belarus​
The Nazis used modern flags of a dozen countries. But only in Belarus does propaganda emphasize the collaborators.
Protests in Minsk / Radio Liberty​
Protests in Minsk / Radio Liberty​
Spoiler: the stages of the “color revolutions” that he mentioned are not in any “manual”.
Screenshot from BesogonTV show and the original image
Screenshot from BesogonTV show and the original image
Russian propagandist photoshops Minsk rally photo original, blames for photoshopping images!