"Даеш зачыстку пятай калоны!" — у Маскве праходзіць масавае шэсце (фота)

"Даёшь зачистку пятой колонны!" ― в Москве проходит массовое шествие (фото)

A lot of people joined the Unity Day manifestation. They were carrying Russian flags and posters saying: ‘Banderivtsi! I’ll kill you for my granddad!’, ‘Get rid of fifth column!’, ‘We are for Russia! We are for Putin!’ and so on.


The column walked from Tverskaya Street towards the Theatre Passage. The concert ‘We are united’ was held there, grani.ru reports.


The leaders of Night Wolves, biker Khirurg, was noticed at the manifestation. Activists of the pro-Kremlin movement National Liberation Movement also took part in it. They urged to fight against the West and ‘the fifth column’ that is to blame for the worsening living conditions in Russia.

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