Andrei Haidukou

Andrei Haidukou faces new charges and two years instead of fifteen in prison, Prosecutor General Alyaksandr Kanyuk told reporters on June 28.

Vitsebsk Province Court will pronounce its decision at 11 a.m.

The treason suspect’s mother has commented on KGB chief’s statement.

KGB chief Valery Vakulchyk has discussed two “spying” cases with journalists today.

Vicebsk activist Tatsyana Sevyarynets has informed this to Euroradio.

Euroradio's correspondent has learnt this in Vicebsk regional court. The court officials provided no more information.

The spy suspect is standing trial behind closed doors in Vitsebsk Province Court.

The trial of Andrei Haidukou, a civil activist from Navapolatsk, is being held behind closed doors in Vitsebsk Regional Court.

Journalists and human rights defenders were not admitted to the court hall, as well as Haidukou's relatives, civil activists and diplomats.