Protests in Belarus

Latest news about protests in Belarus.

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Andrei Karol has been the rector of BSU since 2017

Andrei Karol has been the rector of BSU since 2017 /

As many as 140 students were expelled and 50 teachers were fired.
Police are concerned about the thoughts in people's heads (sample photo) /

Police are concerned about the thoughts in people's heads (sample photo) / /

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Henadz Kazakevich recently spoke about it.
Мелани Жоли глава МИД Канады

Mélanie Joly / The Canadian Press

Euroradio sat down with Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly during her visit to Warsaw to ask some questions about Belarus.
Near Akrestsina prison, 2020 /

Near Akrestsina prison, 2020 / /

Film's authors "altered some of the original footage" so as not to endanger the people in it.
Johnny Depp and Ryan McParland / Instagram account of Ryan McParland

Johnny Depp and Ryan McParland / Instagram account of Ryan McParland / Instagram-акаўнт Раяна Макпарланда

Irishman Ryan McParland plays the role of Chaim Soutine.
Maksim Zyaziulchyk / SBU
Maksim Zyaziulchyk / SBU
The Russians were tougher, using grenades and beating people badly.
Still from the film "Chronicles of Modernity"

Still from the film "Chronicles of Modernity"

Movie was later hastily removed but Belarusian security forces claim they had downloaded it.
Ales Pushkin / Photo from the artist's Facebook page
Ales Pushkin / Photo from the artist's Facebook page
He said he would never bind himself down
Aliaksandr Azarau / Euroradio
Aliaksandr Azarau / Euroradio
But it cannot be announced in the media.