The Freedom Day demonstration is over. It lasted for about an hour because of the sound equipment confiscation. The people are leaving the Bangalore Square.
National dictation in Hrodna (photo)
08:43 25.03.2012
The hall of civil association "Kresovia" hardly managed to let all people in on March 24. More than 200 Hrodna dwellers came to write the Belarusian dictation.Calling for Spring in Vyazynka (photo report)
08:31 25.03.2012
The Kupala memorial complex "Vyazynka" organized this action together with the Students' Ethnographical Association.Freedom Day rally and demonstration to take place in Minsk today
08:17 25.03.2012
The 94th anniversary of the Belarusian People's Republic's declaration is celebrated today, on March 25.15 youngsters detained at punk concert get to detention center
07:59 25.03.2012
There is also one girl amomg the detainees - Alena Dubovik. An administrative charge has been made against her.MFA: EU states ambassadors are not personas non grata in Belarus
06:48 25.03.2012
However, the Belarusian authorities consider their return untimely.