
European Court of Justice prohibited registration of the Soviet state emblem as a trademark. Advertising consultant Julia Lyashkevich comments the situation.

Deputy Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic has told when Europe will start a dialogue with Belarus and who will be invited to "Eastern Partnership" summit.

The former political prisoner predicts that other polictical prisoners will be released within the next two weeks, in an interview to Euroradio.

Political scientist Jury Chavusau has commened upon pardon of another group of political prisoners by the Belarusian authorities.

In the expert’s opinion, foreign currency will appear early next week.

The former chancellor of the Polish Embassy to Minsk discourses on the contacts between the EU and the official Minsk.

Economic observer of “BelGazeta” Syarhei Zhbanau has commented on the IMF’s demand to release political prisoners for Euroradio.

Cinema critic Anton Sidarenka comments on the closing down of the video complex “Video Centre”.

According to the National Bank, the foreign currency exchange rate will be decreasing gradually at the additional session.