
Over 100 people gathered for an unauthorized rally in the Upper Town on the occasion of 20 years since the 1996 referendum.
Euroradio asks the political expert to comment on LDP's proposal to increase presidential term to 7 years.
Belarus' transit-country status is undermined after Russia restricts entry for foreigners traveling via Belarus.
Liberal Democratic Party seeks a referendum to amend Constitution and increase presidential term to 7 years in Belarus.
German and French foreign ministers propose their Ukraine and Russian counterparts in meet in Minsk next week.
Kondrus is in a mental hospital now, politician Pavel Sevyarynets wrote on Facebook on November 23.
President Lukashenka on Monday met with a delegation from the European Union on a visit to Minsk.
The oppositionists are planning to organize the action in Minsk on November 24.
The delegation members will meet with representatives of the authorities, opposition and civil society.