
Territorial and district election committees have been formed in Belarus. Only a few oppositionists have joined them.
Zmena activists hoist dozens of national flags and the portrait of their leader put again under preventive supervision.
Committee members can be proposed until July 24.
She has refused to comment on the details, BelaPAN reports.
The President has made a speech at the Fifth All-Belarus National Assembly.
Minister of Internal Affairs Ihar Shunevich shares with Euroradio what presents the delegates received this year.
The Palace of the Republic ‘will be occupied’ by the delegates of the All-Belarus National Assembly for two days.
Delegates gathered at the Palace of the Republic in downtown Kastrycnickaja Square in Minsk on June 22.
Navasyad served as a member of the 13 Supreme Council (dissolved) and the 2nd convocation of the House of Representatives.