
Ukraine Parliament Vice Speaker Irina Gerashchenko was declared persona non grata at the initiative of Russia.
President Lukashenka met Kazakhstan's leader Nazarbayev to discuss how to boost economic trade, according to official reports.
Activist links it to the forthcoming elections to the House of Representatives.
Anatol Shumchanka was found guilty of taking part in an unauthorized meeting on Freedom Day.
Lawyer Mark Feigin spoke about his plans to leave Russia and on how to win in the political trials.
Phobia of the 'Russian World' is behind Lukashenka’s call to support pro-independence candidates, according to the pundit.
President Lukashenka makes clear who the state will support and stresses political views are of no importance.
Minister of Foreign Affairs took part in the meeting of EU Foreign Ministers with counterparts from Eastern Partnership states.
The Belarusian President and the pontiff met in the Vatican on Saturday.