
A Ukraine TV channel reveals the whereabouts of runaway high-ranking officials in the Yanukovich administration.
Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow is paying an official visit to Belarus on May 11-12.
Canada says it will remove Belarus from the Area Control List, lifting sanctions that have been in place since December 2006.
They wanted to organize social actions in Vitsebsk, Homel and Brest Provinces.
Lukashenka gets praise from Western experts for his geopolitical split at the Minsk Dialogue conference in Belarus capital.
Belarusian deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs has announced it at an international conference in Minsk.
Belarus Foreign Minster Uladizmir Makei met Visegrad Group counterparts to discuss the development of Belarus–EU relations.
The tender for this amount was placed on the public procurement website.
Рашэнне суддзя выносіла каля паўтары гадзіны, распавёў актывіст.