
On behalf of the Belarus Government, the document was signed by ambassador to France Pavel Latushka.
Among the countries are Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to visit Minsk in June to take part in the Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia.
The two leaders discussed the intensification of Belarus-Turkey relations, according to official reports.
President Aliaksandr Lukashenka went on an surprise official visit to Istanbul on April 13.
Customs officials thoroughly inspected the politician's car when he was crossing border from Poland back into Belarus.
Belarus Foreign Minister Uladzimiir Makei made the statement when meeting his Bulgarian counterpart Daniel Mitov in Minsk.
The opposition candidates could have good chances to win if fair vote count was ensured, according to Mikola Statkevich.
Belarus foreign minister Uladzimir Makey says the issue of Russian airbase is closed but can be returned to "if necessary."