
The EU Ministers have already agreed to do it, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports.
Current female ex-candidate for presidency held her first press conference after the election and said what she would do now.
Observers were able to monitor the vote count at one of the two polling stations in Baranavichy.
Activists of "Right of Choice" campaign spokeabout the election violations.
According to international observers, the most important thing is for results to reflect the will of the people.
Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko today had a phone conversation with Belarusian leader Aliaksandr Lukashenka.
Karatkevich's campaign chief Andrei Dzmitryeu says the election results will be appealed.
An administrative violation report has been drawn up against Yahor Skrabneuski in the jitney Suharava-Railway Station.
Information minister urges not to count the country’s life by the minuets and seconds allocated to the presidential candidate.