
Belarusian Helsinki Committee chairperson Aleh Hulak tells Euroradio how this year's election will affect Belarus-EU relations.
Lukashenka offers fresh comments on the plans to deploy Russian military bases on the territory of Belarus.
The candidate has commented on the remark about ‘a person in a skirt’ in the presidential position.
The presidential candidate has voted at a polling station with no snack bar or pop group.
Independent election observers have recorded over 1000 violations over the past five days.
Most students voted early in Homel University named after Skaryna and the University of Technology in Minsk.
The 50% turnout threshold was passed in all regions of Belarus by 1400 local time.
According to her, it looks like the observers were instructed in a single center.
Based on the CEC data, the Belarus election is officially valid.