
The state leader’s agitation uses money from other sources than the election fund the presidential candidate believes.
At Niamiha, near the church, there are stands of the "Elections-2015" campaign with a color poster. There is no imprint on the pos
The incumbent President ‘has the real power’, most of his adherents believe.
The Belarusian leader has touched upon morals and family values.
He was sitting between Minister for Foreign Affairs Uladzmir Makei and Lukashenka’s press secretary Natallya Eismant.
The leaders of Belarus and Ecuador have agreed on it in the UN headquarters in New York.
Belarus Foreighn Minister is currently in the United States as part of the Belarusian delegation.
Even the appearance of a Russian military base will not affect Belarus-Europe relations much.
The candidate has asked the Central Election Commission to give her the unused air time.