
Its agenda was discussed in Minsk on November 4.

Minsk hopes for the abolition of restrictions on capital movement.

Not a single opposition action is conducted without the presence of so-called ‘people in plain clothes’.

Civil activists, politicians and other interested people have commemorated victims of political repressions.

Annual event is dedicated to the Day of ancestors' memory. Rally will be held in Kurapaty, at the site of mass executions of Belarusians by Soviets

Uladislau Koshaleu was found guilty of holding unsanctioned meeting of dormitory residents on one of the floors.

The European Union lifts sanctions against 7 Belarusian companies that belong to businessmen Chyzh, Tarnauski and Peftsiyeu.

A video of Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s visit to Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi has appeared in Arab mass media.

Political scientist Andrey Yeliseyeu expressed this opinion in an interview with Euroradio.