
The chief of staff at the Office of the President confirms the Eurasian Economic Union has been signed by Lukashenka.

President of Ukraine will not participate in the CIS summit in Minsk on Friday

The voting has been conducted this morning. The Council of the Republic will vote on it later.

Belarusian Minister for Foreign Affairs Uladzimir Makei will conduct the meeting.

A delegation led by Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow on October 8 arrived with an official visit to Belarus.

Karel Schwarzenberg, chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee at the Czech parliament, was received by Belarusian foreign minister Uladzimir Makei.

The ratification bill will be considered in the Lower and Upper Chambers of the Belarusian Parliament, Interfax-West reports.

Expert says Russia is not interested in Donbass only - it needs the whole of Ukraine.

The presidents of Belarus and Kazakhstan conversed on the phone on Monday, October 6.