
Photo: Fotolia
Photo: Fotolia
“It was because of the circumstances,” Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallström said.
Photo: president.gov.by
Photo: president.gov.by
An unknown beauty was noticed sitting to the left of the Belarusian President during the festive event.
Photo: BELTA
Photo: BELTA
The same number of deputies voted pro and contra.
Aleh Vouchak in court. Photo: Natallya Harachka
Aleh Vouchak in court. Photo: Natallya Harachka
An ambulance took Aleh Vouchak to hospital but the judge would not suspend the hearing.
Photo: BBC.com
Photo: BBC.com
Russia reportedly proposed Belarus to send peacekeepers to Syria.
Witold Waszczykowski. Photo: hvylya.net
Witold Waszczykowski. Photo: hvylya.net
Polish FM Witold Waszczykowski says Belarus-Poland relations ‘have stabilized’ but 'will not be easy.'
Photo: Novy Chas
Photo: Novy Chas
Patriots have been released because European politicians will arrive on July 5, political scientist Aleh Lahvinets thinks.
Photo: Euroradio
Photo: Euroradio
The opposition-staged rally titled "For a Peaceful Belarus" began in Kastrycnickaja Square and ended near the Red Cathedral.
Viktar Danilau meets his fiancee after three months behind bars. Photo: Euroradio
Viktar Danilau meets his fiancee after three months behind bars. Photo: Euroradio
Commentators reckon the authorities no longer need the 'riot case' after they release all suspects to save face for the West.