
Military equipment of Azerbaijan /
Military equipment of Azerbaijan /
Belarus' "hidden exports" to Azerbaijan in 2020 alone amounted to about $30 million.
Detention of Mikita Domrachau / Video screenshot
Detention of Mikita Domrachau / Video screenshot
Architect Mikita Domrachau was beaten with truncheons and kicked, thrown to the ground, held by the hair and beaten again.
Security forces in the area of Stela October 11, 2020 / Euroradio
Security forces in the area of Stela October 11, 2020 / Euroradio
This happened because the "event was not authorized".
Start of the Dignity March at the Stela monument on 11 October 2020 / Euroradio
Start of the Dignity March at the Stela monument on 11 October 2020 / Euroradio
The Sunday march on October 11 was marked by the utter brutality of the security forces.
The Predator water cannons in Minsk / Wikimedia
The Predator water cannons in Minsk / Wikimedia
"Predators" dispersed protesters in Minsk but something went wrong on October 4.
Protesters near the KGB building / Euroradio​
Protesters near the KGB building / Euroradio​
About 200 retirees marched from Independence Square to Yakub Kolas Square in central Minsk.
Cycling route in the Chernobyl zone / press service of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
Cycling route in the Chernobyl zone / press service of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
It runs through the Ukrainian part of the exclusion zone and will open in the summer.
A protester running away by a taxi from the security forces / shot from the video
A protester running away by a taxi from the security forces / shot from the video
The company says they do not know the driver's name, but they are ready to help if needed.
Policeman at the entrance to the university /​
Policeman at the entrance to the university /​
Policemen were spotted at the entrance to several universities.