
World Bank issues Belarus higher education modernization loan / Euroradio
World Bank issues Belarus higher education modernization loan / Euroradio
The World Bank's loan is to fund the project aiming to upgrade 18 universities in Belarus.
Volunteers unloading a vehicle with medical aid / Maryia Vaitovich, Euroradio​
Volunteers unloading a vehicle with medical aid / Maryia Vaitovich, Euroradio​
"We have five minutes for lunch and then we need to unload the car!"
Photo of an unknown young woman already used by many crooks /
Photo of an unknown young woman already used by many crooks /
Bots are actively slipping a political agenda to us and our friends in social networks.
The First Channel's correspondent was ordered out of the country after a report on the COVID19 crisis in Belarus /
The First Channel's correspondent was ordered out of the country after a report on the COVID19 crisis in Belarus /
First Channel's correspondent Alexey Kruchinin had his accreditation annulled and told to leave Belarus before midnight.
Smartphones can be used to pay for rides on public buses in Minsk /
Smartphones can be used to pay for rides on public buses in Minsk /
The new technology was launched on bus routes No 1 and No 100 in Minsk.
A military parade in Minsk / Euroradio​
A military parade in Minsk / Euroradio​
President Lukashenko looks set to hold the military parade on May 9 in Minsk despite the COVID19 pandemic.
Medical workers in India / Reuters
Medical workers in India / Reuters
The relatives of students claim "the situation in Belarus is critical due to inaction of the authorities in response to COVID19.”
A military parade in Minsk / Euroradio
A military parade in Minsk / Euroradio
Chinese and Russian soldiers will not take part in the military parade on May 9 in Minsk, Defense Ministry tells Euroradio.
The Northern Cemetry in Minsk on 28 April 2020 / Euroradio
The Northern Cemetry in Minsk on 28 April 2020 / Euroradio
Many Belarusians defied the calls from the Healthcare Ministry and visited the graves of departed relatives on Radunitsa Day.