
Pro-Kremlin disinformation as it is
Pro-Kremlin disinformation as it is
“Americans can create biological weapons”, “Georgia deliberately infects mosquitoes and sends them to Russia” and so on.
Zytkavicy district, April 2020 / Euroradio​
Zytkavicy district, April 2020 / Euroradio​
Neither COVID19 nor night frosts could have prevented villagers in Belarus to open the potato planting season as planned.
Siarhey Yankouski / BelTA​
Siarhey Yankouski / BelTA​
The Interior Ministry reckons better communication between teachers and students can help in their drug abuse prevention programs.
Andrei Antonau 
Andrei Antonau 
24-year-old Minsker Andrei Antonau tested positive for coronavirus upon return from Germany and spent 19 days in a hospital.
Belarus will introduce lockdown only when doctors are not coping with the infection. / Reuters
Belarus will introduce lockdown only when doctors are not coping with the infection. / Reuters
Belarusian Healthcare Minister says the COVID19 infections could peak in late April - early May 2020 in Belarus.
Nikolai Makhalichev
Nikolai Makhalichev
Jehovah's Witnesses are banned as a terrorist organization in Russia but operate freely in Belarus.
Loyev / Euroradio
Loyev / Euroradio
This Euroradio's story is shortlisted for the European Press Prize 2020.
Kindergartens remain open in Belarus / Reuters
Kindergartens remain open in Belarus / Reuters
Who will look after a child if the mother is quarantined with COVID19? Officials have conflicting opinions.
Vitsebsk Hospital / Belsat
Vitsebsk Hospital / Belsat
COVID19 victim's son: The head of Belarus has taken no necessary measures to protect the population from the dangerous virus.