
The doping found in the Belarusian's blood could not make her results better, but cannot get her the golden medal back.

The athlete felt bad yesterday when there appeared information that the Olympic medal was taken away from her.

Ihar Zaichkou spoke about the results of the London Olympics for the Belarusian sportsmen.

Belarus has gone down by three positions in the medal rankings of the XXX Summer Olympics in London.

Euroradio has used official documents to calculate the state expenses for the preparation for the Olympics.

Our sportsmen have won three gold, five silver and five bronze medals at the London Olympics.

An anabolic steroid has been discovered in the sportswoman's drug tests.

The closing ceremony was held on the night of August 13.

The drawing ceremony took place in the UEFA HQ in Nyon, Switzerland. BATE will play the first game at home.