
The weightlifting record holder has told Euroradio why he has got injured right before the Olympic Games, who is to blame for it and how he is going to live now

According to the sportsman, he received it during a training session.

The head of the Belarusian mission, Syarhei Nerad, and other officials have taken part in the ceremony.

However, the Barysau club was lagging behind the Macedonians at the beginning of the second period: 1:2.

She has informed about it on the Internet.

The state leader has commented on the future Olympic Games during his trip to Salihorsk District.

This is the result of the hockey season 2011/12.

The Belarusian tennis player remains the World No. 1.

It will start in the press centre of Barysau city stadium at 3 p.m. on Monday.