Sanctions against Belarus

Dagmar Novohradska tells Euroradio about political prisoners, Makei's progress, visas, queues at the border, local drinks, and a beer fest in Minsk.

European Humanities University students and EU diplomats discussed EU-Belarus relations on July 25 in Vilnius.

$5 million is reportedly spent just to implement the initial stage of architectural design.

Maira Mora, Head of the EU Delegation to Belarus, speaks on the EU's principles in Belarus and whether political prisoners would be free by November.

Political commentator Roman Yakovlevsky reckons Brussels is making concessions over the issue of political prisoners by suspending the sanctions.

He will be allowed to enter the European Union while he is in the position of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Nevertheless, the Belarusian Foreign Minister stays in the EU's "black list".

The European Union has also withdrawn sanctions against two Belarusian companies - Akvadiv and Sport-Pari.

Euroradio has calculated when all Belarusian political prisoners will be free.