
It has been organized near the metro station Pushkinskaya under the motto ‘Government robs people’.

Pavel Sevyarynets: there is no unity, just a 'triumph of irresponsibility'

Anatol Lyabedzka has suggested supporting Statkevich. Tell the Truth calls it political plagiarism.

Wife of the political prisoner, Maryna Adamovich, says Statkevich is not yet aware of the UCP initiatives.

Zmena leader Pavel Vinahradau decides to move in with his father in Berazino under threat of ending up in a detox labor camp on trumped up charges.

Police looking for people who streamlined Balahova cemetery in the regional center.

The Congress of Democratic Forces will be held, four opposition leaders announced at the BPF office on November 17. The democratic forces are unaware

The politician says the organizers of today's press conference were too quick to hold it.

The leader United Civil Party was not present at today's press conference held by other opposition leaders.