Parliamentary elections in Belarus 2016
Vice President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Kent Härstedt regrets that the Election Code is not going to be changed anytime
Nobody has even heard of pickets or collection of signatures there, the CEC chairperson said.
The number is announced before the creation of a new parliament every time and it is usually possible to make it happen, she said.
This procedure is to be introduce in the next parliamentary elections.
CEC chairperson Lidziya Yarmoshyna says the date of the polls may be announced on May 17.
The opposition candidates could have good chances to win if fair vote count was ensured, according to Mikola Statkevich.
The head of the EU office in Belarus said that the abolition of sanctions by Brussels is a certain credit of trust for Belarus.
Civil activists and politicians are negotiating now. No organization meeting has been conducted so far.
On Monday, the head of state spoke about the upcoming parliamentary elections.