Protests in Belarus

Latest news about protests in Belarus.

Major Alyaksandr Isachanka at the helicopter air controls / photo from Alyaksandr​
Major Alyaksandr Isachanka at the helicopter air controls / photo from Alyaksandr​
Military helicopter pilot Alyaksand Isachanka resigned on August 16. Now he is retraining as a front-end developer.
Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya / @pulpervoi​
Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya / @pulpervoi​
"Whatever you sign or agree on during the meeting in Sochi will have no legal effect."
The moment when Alyaksandr Taraikouski died / a still shot from the video​
The moment when Alyaksandr Taraikouski died / a still shot from the video​
The Internal Affairs Ministry stated that Taraykouski died from an unknown device that exploded in his hand.
Maryia Kalesnikava / Euroradio files
Maryia Kalesnikava / Euroradio files
Kalesnikava tore up her passport disrupting KGB's plan to force her into exile in Ukraine.
Maksim Znak / Euroradio
Maksim Znak / Euroradio
Coordination Council member Maksim Znak says Maryia Kalesnikava had no plans to leave Belarus.
Maryia Kalesnikava / Euroradio 
Maryia Kalesnikava / Euroradio 
Coordination Council member Maryia Kalesnikava was taken by men in plainclothes at 10:05 near the National Art Museum.
Belarus Railway workers at a solidarity action on August 13 /
Belarus Railway workers at a solidarity action on August 13 /
Workers collected signatures under the appeal at railways units across Belarus.
People detained at the protests walk out of the detention center on Akrestsina street on August 14, 2020 / Vasily Fedosenko / Reuters
People detained at the protests walk out of the detention center on Akrestsina street on August 14, 2020 / Vasily Fedosenko / Reuters
The story of Nadzeya who went through hell at the Akrestsina detention center in Minsk after the Aug. 9 elections.
Siarhei Savitski /
Siarhei Savitski /
"I simply want to remain honest with myself," STV news presenter Siarhei Savitski wrote on Facebook.