Zmitser Dashkevich

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Zmicier Daškievič

Zmicier Daškievič / Еўрарадыё

Last summer, he was to finish his term fully and walk out free but ended up in jail again instead.
Zmicier Dashkevich, Anatstasia Dashkevich, Pavek Sevyarynets in court / Euroradio​
Zmicier Dashkevich, Anatstasia Dashkevich, Pavek Sevyarynets in court / Euroradio​
A Belarus court finds the opposition activist guilty of violating the law on mass events by calling for a rally in Kurapaty.
Activists Dashkevich, Laurukhin and Minets walk out from the police station free but face a fine for violating the trade rules.
The political activist commented on the standoff on the Kurapaty memorial site in his evening video stream on 7 June.
Photo: Euroradio archives
Photo: Euroradio archives
The BNR’s anniversary should still be celebrated on March 25 no matter what, the activist thinks.
Zmitser Dashkevich. Photo: Eduard Palchys’s Facebook.
Zmitser Dashkevich. Photo: Eduard Palchys’s Facebook.
He has presented a scientific basis for the historic value of the white-red-white flag to officials.
Photo: Euroradio
Photo: Euroradio
“They kept me in prison for a month and now they say that I have committed no crime. It has never happened to me at KGB before."
Screenshot from a video.
Screenshot from a video.
He has been released on recognizance.
A female voice is heard presenting as police during live streaming when Dashkevich was being detained.