Goalkeeper of Peru youth football team Anchelo Campos made two super-saves in 5 seconds!
Guy who beat handicapped person: it was impossible to tell he was disabled
13:35 11.01.2013
The guy who beat the handicapped man tells his version of the events."Probably we would free the seat or simply push him away"
12:53 11.01.2013
Euroradio has talked to the girl from the company of guys who beat the handicapped man. Please see the other version."Minsk shooter's" wife: they seized him, he broke away and bullets flew
12:19 11.01.2013
Euroradio spoke with the only witess of the incident in Mashynistau St., not connected with police. According to wife, neighbour saw 3 gunshot wounds on him.Dollar remains unchanged, euro grows by Br 180
11:29 11.01.2013
Another foreign currency trade took place at the Belarusian currency exchange stock on Friday.Police detain all suspects in beating handicapped person in metro
09:53 11.01.2013
They are in the Partyzanski district police department now. The checking materials will be passed to the Investigatory Commitee.Euroradio finds out President's web-site re-designer
09:14 11.01.2013
The state institute of application software systems has won the tender.Maxim Mirny makes it to Sidney tournament final
08:40 11.01.2013
The Belarusian plays in a duet with Romania's Horia Tecău.