Arrests of Belarusian businessmen

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Businessman Akradiy Izrailevich was detained in the evening of 31 October, according to media reports.
Photo: Social media
Photo: Social media
Viktar Puzikau has been detained for tax evasion, unofficial sources report.
Sarmat-STI group of companies CEO Aliaksandr Knyrovich is charged with major tax evasion.
The businessman has compensated for all the damage done to the state.
The released businessman is getting back to work, Pressball reports.
Businessman Yury Chyzh says he is ‘in a wonderful mood and excellent shape' after six months in a KGB jail.
Uladzimir and Kazbek Yapryntsau keep standing trial in Minsk.
The organization elected its new chairperson on July 29 – deputy Minister of Sport and Tourism Alyaksandr Dubkouski.
The website refers to sources that worked in the legal system for many years.