Anastasiya Boika

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Zmitser Paliyenka at large / Nasta Boika, Euroradio
Zmitser Paliyenka at large / Nasta Boika, Euroradio
He has been sentenced to three years of restricted freedom without imprisonment.
The conference "Public Opinion and the Death Penalty in Belarus" was held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Minsk / Euroradio
The conference "Public Opinion and the Death Penalty in Belarus" was held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Minsk / Euroradio
The Europeans agree with the Belarusian authorities that the public opinion on the death penalty does matter.
 Mothers 328 activists in Minsk's Independence Square / Anastasiya Boika, Euroradio
 Mothers 328 activists in Minsk's Independence Square / Anastasiya Boika, Euroradio
The mothers of the youngsters convicted under Article 328 that deals with drug-trafficking have gathered near the parliament.
The hearing in the' Korzych case'/ Euroradio
The hearing in the' Korzych case'/ Euroradio
This is one tragedy less than in 2017.
Reports suggest that military specialists from Belarus are among those killed and injured during an Israeli air raid in Syria.
Heavy machines dismantling the crosses in Kurapaty/Roman Pratasevich, Euroradio
Heavy machines dismantling the crosses in Kurapaty/Roman Pratasevich, Euroradio
Authorities in Belarus dismantled 70 wooden crosses mounted by activists. 15 people were detained on petty hooliganism charges.
Raman Pratasevich, Euroradio
Raman Pratasevich, Euroradio
The women from the Mothers 328 pressure group seek to make MPs consider the changes in the drugs-related Article 328.
Euroradio/ Alyaksei Karpeka
Euroradio/ Alyaksei Karpeka
Several days ago, Euroradio filed an inquiry with the Ministry of the Interior about this notorious online drug dealer.
Zmicier Dashkevich, Anatstasia Dashkevich, Pavek Sevyarynets in court / Euroradio​
Zmicier Dashkevich, Anatstasia Dashkevich, Pavek Sevyarynets in court / Euroradio​
A Belarus court finds the opposition activist guilty of violating the law on mass events by calling for a rally in Kurapaty.