
With the government change in Lithuania and a new coalition in Ukraine's parliament, what will relations with Belarus look like now?

Politician Zyanon Paznyak shares his opinion with Euroradio on the construction of entertaining center Bulbash Hall near mass executions site in Kurapaty.

The Belarusian authorities know this and reform the country into a "police state", the experts think.

Dictatorship is impossible in our country, Belarusian President told the BBC and British The Independent.

The state leader is answering Russian journalists' questions today.

Belarus midfielder feels ashamed for his team's performance in World Cup qualifier 0:4 defeat against Spain.

European MFAs have commented on the situation in Belarus ahead of the Council of the EU session.

Germany plans to refuse from nuclear power plants by 2020 and Belarus - to build the first NPP power unit by 2018.

Independent analyst Syarhei Chaly comments on the new energy war between Belarus and Russia mentioned by "Izvestiya".