
EaP member states may make use of it to lay down demands for Russia, reckons political commentator Yury Shautsou.

Nobel Prize nominee Svyatlana Aleksievich congratulates winner Alice Munro although she hasn't read her books.

The Belarusian President visited Zhodzina BelAZ on Tuesday.

The head of the Russian embassy's consular department in Minsk Igor Koryagin visited Vladislav Baumgertner under arrest in a safe house.

Netherlands' Human RIghts Ambassador Lionel Veer talks to Euroradio about death penalty, sports and politics, and double standards.

Dagmar Novohradska tells Euroradio about political prisoners, Makei's progress, visas, queues at the border, local drinks, and a beer fest in Minsk.

Gunnar Wiegand explains when Schengen visas will become cheaper for Belarusians and who Europe will have a dialoge with.

Russian oligarch Suleiman Kerimov has reportedly sold his share in Uralkali fertilizer giant to powerful banker Vladimir Kogan from St. Petersburg.

Deputy Prime Minister Piotr Prakapovich tells Euroradio the final decision on the proposed $100 exit duty will be in one month.