
The Belarus leader met with Poland's DPM Mateusz Morawiecki in Minsk and stressed the need to advance trade with Warsaw.
Belarusian diplomats maintain the lifting of sanctions would boost Belarus-US relations.
The United States extend the suspension of sanctions against Belarusian enterprises amid further improvement of relations.
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev will arrive in Minsk to discuss a draft of the new Eurasian Economic Union's Customs Code.
U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary Bridget Brink will meet officials as well as representatives of the opposition and civil society.
President Aliaksandr Lukashenka on October 17 signed an edict to discharge Mikalai Lazavik from his duties as the CEC secretary.
The politician said he came to the rally to chat with his friends but the police officers testified he shouted Long Live Belarus!
The Belarus diplomacy chief describes a standoff about gas price between Belarus and Russia as "small problems".
"He is an ordinary schoolboy. He goes to an ordinary village school," says Belarus foreign Minister about Kolya Lukashenka.