
Trade turnover between Belarus and China has dropped by a third and our exports by 5 times this year.
Dzmitry Paliyenka will stand trial on October 11 on charges of violence against a police officer and pornography production.
U.S. Charge d'Affaires ad interim Robert Riley begins his diplomatic mission in Belarus.
It is finally interesting to discuss the election results in Belarus, activist Yury Chavusau jokes at a OSCE meet in Warsaw.
The prominent economics guru Leanid Zaika comments to Euroradio on what to expect from the ongoing gas dispute with Moscow.
The Belarus mission at the UN in New York published this photograph on the official Twitter account.
A delegation of the Chinese Army headed by deputy chief of the United Military council headquarters is visiting Belarus.
The Belarusian Minister for Foreign Affairs has met with U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence in New York.
The ex-candidate is not going to complain to the CEC because a democratic representative was elected MP in her constituency.