
Belarus Foreign Minister will focus on the problem of migrants and refugees in his speech.
Some 50 people were in central Minsk to commemorate the white-red-white flag and Pahonia introduced as state symbols 25 years ago.
About 50 people gathered in central Minsk to mark 25 years since the white-red-white flag became the symbol of the state.
The number equal to more than the population of Homiel voted against all during the recent parliamentary polls in Belarus.
It was a drawback and a violation of recommendations, the CEC chairperson thinks.
Lukashenka may discuss the stranded gas deal with Putin in Kyrgyzstan, which hosts the Council of Head of States of CIS members.
The opposition and family members maintain political reasons were behind the abduction of the prominent politician and his friend.
The CEC chairperson does not know what she will be doing after retirement.
He did not go to court because he knew that the decision would be in his favour, the activist said.