
You can even see the Belarusian leader dancing with Verka Serdyuchka in the video.
On May 21, the Vatican hosted a meeting of the head of Belarus and the pontiff. It lasted 40 minutes.
He will be tried for taking part in the founding meeting of the Belarusian National Congress, which was held in Yanka Kupala Park.
Former activist of "Tell the Truth" Yaraslau Bernikovich has accused the Karatkevich headquarters of falsifying signatures.
According to him, less than 15 thousand signatures were collected in Minsk.
At a meeting in Parliament with the PACE and OSCE ODIHR Tatsiana Karatkevich was the only opposition representative invited.
Belarus Foreign Minister Uladzimir Makei is expected in Brussels to discuss prospects of Eastern Partnership with EU counterparts.
CEC chair Lidzia Yarmoshyna deems it unnecessary to include candidates' trustees in precinct election commissions.
The CEC chairperson insists the Belarus electoral laws provides conditions for democratically held elections.