
Yuval Noah Harari / RBC
Yuval Noah Harari / RBC
The author of "A Brief History of Humankind" speaks about Russia's attack on Ukraine. Euroradio's exclusive.
Belarusian railroad / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Belarusian railroad / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Partisans watch the military at the stations
"A shell crater. But when was the explosion?"
"A shell crater. But when was the explosion?"
Video of the attempt by "Ukrainian saboteurs" to blow up chlorine tanks in Gorlovka was mounted on February 8.
Freight train of Lithuanian Railways / litrail.lt
Freight train of Lithuanian Railways / litrail.lt
Since February 7, Belarus has not allowed transit trains carrying fertilizers and petroleum products from Lithuania.
Protest in Kazakhstan and Belarus / Euroradio
Protest in Kazakhstan and Belarus / Euroradio
Another example of juggling with facts, which has become a tradition for the Belarusian authorities.
Propagandists keep mastering social networks / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Propagandists keep mastering social networks / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Some platforms block propagandists in response to user complaints, others only after international outcry
Rally against the referendum in 1996/ Archives of Belarus
Rally against the referendum in 1996/ Archives of Belarus
Here's how did the three previous referendums that brought the country to what we see today went.
According to official figures, 225 people died in protests in Kazakhstan alone / Ruslan Pryanikov / AFP / East News
According to official figures, 225 people died in protests in Kazakhstan alone / Ruslan Pryanikov / AFP / East News
Let's examine what is happening in Kazakhstan after the protests
Lukashenka has (not) been holding on to his chair for almost 28 years/collage by Ulad Rubanau
Lukashenka has (not) been holding on to his chair for almost 28 years/collage by Ulad Rubanau
We recall him (not) holding on to his chair for almost 28 years.