
The Belarus president calls into increase trade with Russia's Baltic Sea enclave.

Pavel Sevyarynets: there is no unity, just a 'triumph of irresponsibility'

The Belarusian party of the left will not sign the last variant of the procedure of choosing the single opposition candidate.

The second round of negotiations was held in Brussels a few days ago.

Anatol Lyabedzka has suggested supporting Statkevich. Tell the Truth calls it political plagiarism.

Wife of the political prisoner, Maryna Adamovich, says Statkevich is not yet aware of the UCP initiatives.

On Tuesday, leader of the United Civil Party held a press conference in Minsk.

Zmena leader Pavel Vinahradau decides to move in with his father in Berazino under threat of ending up in a detox labor camp on trumped up charges.

Former prisoner of KGB jail Andrei Haidukou was detained when distributing leaflets about political prisoners.