
Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives in Minsk to attend the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.

Kazakhstan's President Nursultant Nazarbayev arrives in Minsk to take part in the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.

Activists detained after the Chernobyl Way rally stood trials in Minsk's Sovietski District Court.

Russia and Kazakhstan presidents will take part in the meeting of the Higher Eurasian Council on April 29.

Belarus and Russian presidents will discuss the situation in Ukraine on April 29, Putin’s aide Yuri Ushakov told reporters.

Young Front leader Zmitser Dashkevich is sentenced by Minsk's Pershamaiski District Court ahead of opposition-staged Chernobyl March on April 26.

The brunette who was sitting next to high-ranking officials during Lukashenka’s annual address turns out to be the winner of a beauty pageant.

The opposition Movement for Freedom proposes to organize the Independence March on May 14 together with pro-government supporters.

An unknown young woman was spotted among the country’s high-ranking officials during the President’s State of the Nation's Address.