
Law enforcement officers gather near administrative buildings in Minsk / Euroradio
Law enforcement officers gather near administrative buildings in Minsk / Euroradio
Deputy head of the independent Belarusian Association of Journalists Barys Haretski informs about new detentions.
Increasing numbers of law enforcement agents gather in the Minsk city center / Euroradio
Increasing numbers of law enforcement agents gather in the Minsk city center / Euroradio
Riot control vehicles and law enforcement agents gather near the Presidential Administration in Minsk.
A memorable photo / president.gov.by
A memorable photo / president.gov.by
Belarus strongman criticizes those who 'drink beer... in Minsk' while some combine drivers have 'soil under fingernails'.
Elections in Belarus often go side by side with limited Internet access /Ілюстрацыйнае фота pixabay.com
Elections in Belarus often go side by side with limited Internet access /Ілюстрацыйнае фота pixabay.com
We are waiting for the details from the Ministry of Communications and Infromatization.
Central Election Commission (CEC) chairwoman Lidziya Yarmoshyna / Euroradio
Central Election Commission (CEC) chairwoman Lidziya Yarmoshyna / Euroradio
The early voting turnout figures were significantly lower during the previous parliamentary and presidential elections in Belarus.
Belarusian nuclear power plant / Euroradio
Belarusian nuclear power plant / Euroradio
The physical launch means that fuel rods will be loaded into the reactor core.
Early voting in Belarus / Euroradio
Early voting in Belarus / Euroradio
12.75% of voters have turned out at the polling stations during two days of early voting. In 2015, it was 10,94%.
President Lukashenka and Security Council members discussing the detention of Russian citizens, 29 July 2020 / Reuters
President Lukashenka and Security Council members discussing the detention of Russian citizens, 29 July 2020 / Reuters
Ukraine President's press office says security services have collected "enough evidence" of crimes in Donbas.
Presidential candidate Andrei Dzmitryeu​
Presidential candidate Andrei Dzmitryeu​
Presidential candidate Andrei Dzmitryeu briefed journalists after the ad hoc meeting at Central Election Commission.