
Georgia President Salome Zurabishvili on her first official visit to Poland in May 2019. Photo: www.facebook.com/zourabichvilisalome
Georgia President Salome Zurabishvili on her first official visit to Poland in May 2019. Photo: www.facebook.com/zourabichvilisalome
Georgian President plays down objections to a US base as Poland pledges support to Georgia's NATO and EU membership aspirations.
Eastern Partnership member states leaders in Brussels in May 2019 / mfa.gov.by​
Eastern Partnership member states leaders in Brussels in May 2019 / mfa.gov.by​
Belarus Foreign Minister Uladzimir Makei says he does not like it when Belarus is called 'a buffer zone.'
Alyaksandr Lukashenka/ Reuters
Alyaksandr Lukashenka/ Reuters
President Lukashenka says 'now is not the time to take some weird steps and be criticized later' asking for a fair election.
 Alexei Venediktov / ria.ru​
 Alexei Venediktov / ria.ru​
Ekho Moskvy editor-in-chief reckons that Dmitry Mezentsev will use different methods to pursue the same task in Minsk.
Yury Zakharanka​ / belaruspartisan.by
Yury Zakharanka​ / belaruspartisan.by
Yury Zakharanka disappeared withtout a trace on 7 May 1999.
Belarus' Foreign Minister Uladzimir Makei and Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / twitter.com/BelarusMID
Belarus' Foreign Minister Uladzimir Makei and Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / twitter.com/BelarusMID
Foreign Minister Uladzimir Makei represents Belarus instead of President Lukashenka at the EaP summit in Brussels.
Ismail Nalgiyev / kavkaz-uzel.eu
Ismail Nalgiyev / kavkaz-uzel.eu
Ismail Nalgiyev was detained at the Minsk Airport on May 8. His lawyer has not managed to prevent the deportation.
"Immortal Regiment” in Minsk in 2018 / Euroradio
"Immortal Regiment” in Minsk in 2018 / Euroradio
The action has been allowed by Minsk City Executive Committee, the organizers say.
Ihar Barysau / Facebook
Ihar Barysau / Facebook
Ihar Barysau has to pay 765 roubles.