
Zmitser Dashkevich: The state is covering up the restaurant in Kurapaty.
Foreign Minister Makei says Minsk is ready to revise its stance and allow a Russian base in response to a US base in Poland.
The 5th Annual Dutch-Polish-Belarusian Trilateral Conference on safeguarding civil rights will begin at 1400 CET in Warsaw.
Photo: Euroradio
Photo: Euroradio
The Belarus president on 24 May opened a panel discussion on European security at a high-level forum in Minsk.
Photo collage by: ucpb.org
Photo collage by: ucpb.org
The liberal opposition United Civil Party will elect a new leader at the congress on 8 July.
Photo: Belarusian MFA
Photo: Belarusian MFA
Belarus Foreign Ministers Uladzimir Makei tells EU ambassadors Minsk regrets the prolongation of some restrictions on Belarus.
Photo: pravnik.by
Photo: pravnik.by
Belarus' Council of Ministers has drafted amendments that, if passed, will make life easier for activists from unregistered NGOs.
Photo: BELTA
Photo: BELTA
Minsk will host a forum titled 'Eastern Europe: Searching for Security for All' on 23 May.
Screenshot from a Belarus TV video.
Screenshot from a Belarus TV video.
Only the youngest son Mikalai accompanied Lukashenka during the similar ceremony in 2017.